

Assoc Prof. Dr. Georgi Pehlivanov, MD, PhD

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Georgi Pehlivanov, MD
 - Chief Assistant in the Dermatology Department, Medical Faculty, Sofia, Bulgaria

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Georgi Pehlivanov, MD is Chief of the Second Dermatological Ward. He has graduated Sofia University of Medicine in 1979. In 1984 got his specialty in Dermatology. In 1996 continued his qualifications with Social Medicine and Public Health. In 2004 he has become Master of Management in Medicine. Assoc. Prof. Dr. Pehlivanov, MD carried out his specialization in Graatz, Budapest and Paris. He is a member of the Bulgarian Dermatological Association.

He is author and co-author of 27 Scientific publications and 4 books. He took part in 20 International Forums.

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Ilko Bakardjiev, MD, PhD

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Ilko Bakardjiev, MD, PhD
 is dermatologist in “Chajka” Hospital Centre in Varna, Bulgaria

Assoc Prof. Dr. Ilko Bakardjiev was born in 1968 in Varna. He has graduated the University of Medicine in our Sea Capital. In the field of dermatology he has started to work in Clinic of Skin Diseases in Varna where his tutor was Professor, doctor Zlatko Penev. Later on he moved to Sofia and continued his specialization with Professor Nevena Berova and Professor Nikolaj Tzankov. He attended seminars and forums in Germany, Malta, Spain, France and Italy. He has Doctor’s Theses in the field of sexual diseases. 

Assoc. Proff. Dr. Bakardjiev is an author of several innovations and many publications in Bulgarian and international specialized editions. He is a member of Bulgarian Dermatological Association, The Union of Bulgarian Scientists, European Academy of Dermatologists and the Scandinavian Dermatological Association. Dr. Bakardjiev is well-known expert in the field of Aesthetic Medicine and Medical Cosmetics.

For more information: http://www.skin-bg.com/ 

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